Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Pics of London

I couldn't post all the pics I wanted in the other post, so here are some more!

Garden by Buckingham

The Albert Memorial - if you ever have a chance go here!!

Kensington Palace

3 images - Tower Bridge

Nelson's Column in the distance

Nelson's Column


Lynne said...

Hi Evan.
I'm so glad you seized this opportunity to see Europe. I traveled with a friend mid-way through college as part of Youth With A Mission during the 1982 World Cup Soccer Games. Spent time in Spain, France, Belgium, Germany, and Austria. Never made it to England or Italy... but, there's still time! :-)

The friendships and memories you are creating will last a lifetime. Thanks for allowing all of us to travel vicariously through your blog. Take care!

-Lynne Miller

Anonymous said...

Hey man -
Enjoy yourself over there. Very jealous looking at all of your pics. Sounds like you're doing it the right way - just roll with what comes at you and see where the windy road takes you. Try to get to Eastern Europe sometime if you can.
Best - Eric Long

Amylynn said...

Hey bro!
Good to see you are having the time of your life!! The architecture reminds me of the Europe I know and love!! I can't wait to go to Les Mis!!! that is my dream!! have a WONDERFUL week! enjoying your blogs and pics! thanks! love ya!